Ananiah House

Tēna Koutou, 
Ko Kopukairua te Maunga
Ko Waitao te Awa
Ko Tauranga Moana te Moana
Ko Mataatua te Waka
Ko Ngai Te Rangi te Iwi
Ko Ngā Pōtiki te Hāpu
Ko Tahuwhakatiki te Marae

Ko Nik tōku Pāpā
Ko Lisa tōku Māmā
Ko Cass tōku tuahine
Ko Mikaia tōku tuakana
Ko Taber tāku teina

Ko Ananiah House tōku ingoa. 

I whānau au ki Kirikiriroa ahakoa i tipu ake au ki Tauranga Moana. Ka neke au ki Kirikiriroa anō ki te ako. Kei te noho tōku mātua ki Tūranganui a Kiwa i tēnei wā. I noho au ki reira i mua, ā, i mahi au ki Awapuni kura hei kaiawhina kaiako. Ko tumuaki tōku Pāpā, ko ia tētahi mea mō tōku hiahia ki te whakaako.

Kei te ako au ki Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato mō tōku kaiako tohu, He Korowai ākonga. Ko tēnei te tau whakamutungā o wānanga mō au. Kua ako au ki reira i tērā tau me whakaoti te tohu paetahi. Ināianei, he mohio au ki te kōrero reo Māori. Kei te hemokai au ki te whakatipu tōku reo tōnu me te awhina i nga tāngata katoa ki o rātou reo Māori.

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou tēnā koutou kātoa.

I was born in Hamilton but grew up in Tauranga Moana. I moved to Hamilton to study teaching. My parents live in Tūranganui a Kiwa (Gisborne). I used to live there also and worked at Awapuni school as a teacher's assistant. My father was a principal, this is what introduced me to the education sector but my passion for education has grown the more i work within schools.

I am studying at the University of Waikato for my Teaching degree, Bachelor of Primary Teaching. This is the last year of university for me. I studied there last year to complete the Māori immersion course, Te Tohu Paetahi. Now, I now know te reo Māori with some profiency. I am still want to grow my reo Māori, continuing to learn and find opportunities to help me do so and help everyone with their Māori language also. Te ao Māori and te reo Māori is my passion!

Ananiah House

Kaiārahi i te reo Māori & Classroom Release Teacher

Email: [email protected]